summary | ||
public |
F accumulate(array: *, i: *, j: *) O(M) time where M=j-i. |
public |
F alloc(n: *) |
public |
F compose(sigma: *, tau: *) |
public |
F cumulativeHistogram(array: *, i: *, j: *, ch: *, offset: *) O(M+N) time where N=j-i and M = ch.length - offset. |
public |
F * digits(tuples: *, i: *, j: *, s: *, t: *) |
public |
F fill(array: *, x: *, i: *, j: *) |
public |
F histogram(array: *, i: *, j: *, output: *, offset: *) O(N) time where N = j - i; |
public |
F load(s: *, tuples: *, i: *, j: *, buffer: *) |
public |
F loadLengths(tuples: *, i: *, N: *, buffer: *): * |
public |
F permute(permutation: *, array: *, ai: *, aj: *, output: *, oi: *) |
public |
F permuteInPlace(permutation: *, array: *) |
public |
O(n) time. |
public |
F reset(array: *, i: *, j: *) |
public |
F sortArbitraryTuples(M: *, tuples: *, output: *): * |
public |
F sortFixedLengthTuples(k: *, M: *, tuples: *, output: *, i: *, j: *): * O(kM + kN) time where k is the number of digits per tuple, M is the radix, and N = j - i is the number of tuples. |
public |
F sortTuplesByLength(tuples: *): undefined[] O(M + N) time where M is the maximum length of a tuple, and N is the number of tuples. |
public |
F stable(M: *, current: *, rest: *): * O(kM + kN) time where k is the number of arrays, M is the radix, and N is the length of each array. |
public |
F zeros(n: *) |